Banbury Loco Coal Task
Requires the wagon pack installed with the free SSS Severn Valley Railway and the SSS Pannier pack.

Take loaded loco coal wagons to Banbury Shed coaling stationand the empties to Banbury Junction Old Down Yard.

Select the Pannier.
The wagon in front is damaged and needs to be propelled over the Hump to 'Ban Hump Cripple Siding4' on the far, southern, side of the yard. The points are set.

After dropping off the wagon, reverse clear of the points by the stack of sleepers and set your route to collect the 3 loaded 'G LOCO W' wagons.

Pull forward clear onto 'Banbury N Up Goods 2' (the points are probably set). Then change the points and reverse to collect a brakevan.

Take the station avoiding line, 'Banbury Up Goods', and cross on to 'Banbury Shed Approach 1'. Stop and choose your route.

You need to extract the empty 'G LOCO W' wagons from the coal loading line and replace them with your full ones.

Now, take the empty wagons to Banbury Junction Old Down Yard beyond the second road bridge. Change the Shed Approach points to take the main down line through the station, 'Banbury S Down Main 3', then 'Banbury N Down Goods4' to stop clear of the access to the Old Down Yard Sidings. The points are probably set. You are expected.

Dispose of the brakevan and empty wagons then cross over back to the Hump signalbox 'Ban Hump Control'.